Access to a ressource in Android application -

i have tried use gpuimage android. issue not related gpuimage happens @ moment. i'm trying build image filter using image overlay on original image.

  gpuimagecolordodgeblendfilter tmp = new gpuimagecolordodgeblendfilter();   tmp.setbitmap(bitmapfactory.decoderesource(context.getresources(), r.drawable.hipster)); 

my issue need access file called hipster.png located in res/drawable/hipster.png

i avoid using decoderesource because image same , i'm want avoid using context filter class builtin inside lib aar , reuse in app.

any idea ?

i have tried use context coming activity it's crashing , think context useless in case


hi seb tell how it. difference use context, pass parameter in parts of code , don't have problem.

getresources().getidentifier(<nameofimage>, "drawable", getpackagename()) 

hope helps!


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