PowerShell: Select file with specific name from the folder and rename it by adding the current date -

i sincerely apologize if question seems easy. i'm new powershell , i'm still learning basics.

i have folder e:\lastmonthbackup

where sql server everyday adds 1 new file named projectbackup.bak

i need powershell script rename newly added file adding date when file created.

so in essence want each new file named projectbackup_year_month_day.bak

i don't want script touch files have dates in names. 1 new projectbackup.bak file should renamed.

could please me write such script?

i found related question here, when tried applying solution in script didn't work or maybe messed something. totally new powershell appreciated.

if 1 file want rename pattern, can try this:

$filetorename = "e:\lastmonthbackup\projectbackup.bak" if (test-path $filetorename) {     $filename = [system.io.path]::getfilenamewithoutextension($filetorename)     $datesuffix = get-date -format 'yyyy_mm_dd'     $fileextension = [system.io.path]::getextension($filetorename)     $newfilename = '{0}_{1}{2}' -f $filename, $datesuffix, $fileextension     rename-item -path $filetorename -newname $newfilename } 

if file $filetorename exisits, script determines filename projectbackup, date format yyyy_mm_dd , file extension .bak , formats new string. finally, renames file new name.


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