sql - Full text searching refuses to work without quotation marks -

but @ same time, quotation marks break query if substituted in.

i have query:

select * contact1 contains(company, n'aktie') 

this returns no results. however, if change query to...

select * contact1 contains(company, n'"*aktie*"') 

now results i'm expecting. presume due using asterisk wildcard, although don't understand why quotation marks fix things. in addition, if put code behind stored procedure , pass the exact same parameter, "*aktie*", receive error states:

syntax error near '"' in full-text search condition '"'. 

why? i'm no sql dev need use full text searching part of current feature, , can't find concrete answers on this.

"aktie" part of swedish word, swedish word should recognized english word breaker.

as per request, code of sproc.

create procedure gr_fulltextsearch    @query nvarchar   select * contact1 contains(company, @query) go 

test code:

exec gr_fulltextsearch @query='"*aktie*"' > syntax error near '"' in full-text search condition '"'.  select * contact1 contains(company, n'"*aktie*"') > (result set of contact1) 

your stored procedure should this:

create procedure gr_fulltextsearch    @query nvarchar(100)    select * contact1 contains(company, @query) go 

if use (n)varchar interpreted (n)varchar(1), procedure , contains getting '"', hence error message! should adjust value 100 value better suited needs.

see, not disappointing @ all! :-)


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