ios - How to send data from Iphone to Apple Watch in OS2 in Objective-C -

i've seen similar question posted on how send data , forth in swift. i'm asking same question in objective-c. i've viewed apple's transition docs.

i work best clear examples, rather lecture material. if has implemented , wouldn't mind sharing, appreciated.

here´s link q/a watchconnectivity: send messages between ios , watchos watchconnectivity in watchos2

i give example go applicationcontext, there 2 other messaging techniques watchconnectivity. please watch wwdc2015 session video those.

first need conform wcsessiondelegate protocol in classes want send , receive data from/to. e.g both on watch , iphone.

basic checking before: (this example, implement better this)

if ([wcsession issupported]) {         wcsession *session = [wcsession defaultsession];         session.delegate = self;         [session activatesession];         nslog(@"session avaible");     }      //objective-c     if ([[wcsession defaultsession] isreachable]) {         nslog(@"session reachable");     } 

this send data phone watch.

wcsession *session = [wcsession defaultsession]; nserror *error;  [session updateapplicationcontext:@{@"firstitem": @"item1", @"seconditem":[nsnumber numberwithint:2]} error:&error]; 

this receive data phone on watch.

- (void) session:(nonnull wcsession *)session didreceiveapplicationcontext:(nonnull nsdictionary<nsstring *,id> *)applicationcontext {      nslog(@"%@", applicationcontext);       item1 = [applicationcontext objectforkey:@"firstitem"];     item2 = [[applicationcontext objectforkey:@"seconditem"] intvalue]; } 

the wwdc2015 video on watchconnectivity great, recommend check out.


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