java - How to use nested foreach in jsp -

i using struts2 framework jsp. want have nested foreach in jsp getting below error @ inner foreach.

getting error while iterating nested objects from.

<c:foreach var="emp" items="${dept.emplyees}">  


caused by: javax.servlet.jsp.jsptagexception: don't know how iterate on supplied "items" in &lt;foreach&gt;     @ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.foreachsupport.toforeachiterator( ~[jstl-1.2.jar:1.2]     @ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.foreachsupport.supportedtypeforeachiterator( ~[jstl-1.2.jar:1.2]     @ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.foreachsupport.prepare( ~[jstl-1.2.jar:1.2]     @ javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.looptagsupport.dostarttag( ~[javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1]     @ org.apache.jsp.views.home.home_jsp._jspx_meth_c_005fforeach_005f1( ~[na:na]     @ org.apache.jsp.views.home.home_jsp._jspservice( ~[na:na] 

below sample code pojo , struts action feilds.

jsp code:

<c:foreach var="dept" items="${deptlist}">  <c:out value="${dept.deptname}"/>  <c:foreach var="emp" items="${dept.emplyees}">  <c:out value="${}"/>  </c:foreach> </c:foreach> 

action class: testaction

class testaction{ list<department> deptlist  public list<department> getdeptlist() {         return deptlist;     }      public void setdeptlist(list<department> deptlist) {         this.deptlist = deptlist;     } } 

deprtment pojo

class department{  private string deptname  list<employee> emplyees;      public list<employee> getdeptlist() {         return emplyees;     }      public void setdeptlist(list<employee> emplyees) {         this.emplyees = emplyees;     } } 

employee pojo

class employee{     private string name; } 

to iterate on property of object should not null , have getter method.

private list<employee> emplyees = new arraylist<>(); public list<employee> getemplyees() { return emplyees; }   

before displaying property on page, nice have values. can in action, or better in prepare() , let action implement preparable interface.

often data used populate form control dynamically generated, perhaps database. when user submits form, struts 2 validation interceptor attempts validate user's form input. if validation fails struts 2 framework returns value "input" "input" action not re-executed. rather view associated "input" result rendered user. view page displayed original form.

this work-flow can cause problem if 1 or more of form fields or other data displayed depends on dynamic look-up that accomplished in action class's input method. since action class's input method not re-executed when validation fails, view page may no longer have access correct information create form or other display information.


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