voltrb - Use ruby classes in Volt Framework -

i wondering best way include ruby classes in volt framework. want use socket class find ip address of visitor of site. want use in controller, putting:

require 'socket' 

at top of file not work. suggestions?

well, don't think can use socket class on client-side since volt uses opalrb run ruby on client, , unfortunately don't think opal can support socket class since that's kind of hard in browser. can, however, run code on server side , pass desired results on client. can using volt's tasks. can create them so:

require 'socket'  class sockettask < volt::task   def use_sockets     # thing sockets here...   end end 

and can use them elsewhere, e.g., in controller this:

class controller < volt::modelcontroller   def some_action     sockettask.use_sockets      # can use #then method of returned promise result of call.     # can use #fail method on promise thrown errors.     # following can run code on client.      sockettask.use_sockets.then |result|       alert result     end.fail |error|       puts error     end   end end 

there's screencast rick carlino volt tasks here.


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