go - Correct use of XML annotations, fields and structs in custom UnmarshalXML function -

consider following struct:

type mystruct struct {     name string     meta map[string]interface{} } 

which has following unmarshalxml function:

func (m *mystruct) unmarshalxml(d *xml.decoder, start xml.startelement) error {     var v struct {         xmlname xml.name //`xml:"mystruct"`         name    string   `xml:"name"`         meta    struct {             inner []byte `xml:",innerxml"`         } `xml:"meta"`     }      err := d.decodeelement(&v, &start)     if err != nil {         return err     }      m.name = v.name     mymap := make(map[string]interface{})      // ... mxj magic here ... -      temp := v.meta.inner      prefix := "<meta>"     postfix := "</meta>"     str := prefix + string(temp) + postfix     //fmt.println(str)     mymxjmap, err := mxj.newmapxml([]byte(str))     mymap = mymxjmap      // fill mymap     //m.meta = mymap     m.meta = mymap["meta"].(map[string]interface{})     return nil } 

my problem code these lines:

prefix := "<meta>" postfix := "</meta>" str := prefix + string(temp) + postfix mymxjmap, err := mxj.newmapxml([]byte(str)) mymap = mymxjmap //m.meta = mymap m.meta = mymap["meta"].(map[string]interface{}) 

my question how make correct use of xml annotations (,innerxml etc), fields , structs, don't have manually pre-/append <meta></meta> tags afterwards whole meta field single map.

the full code example here: http://play.golang.org/p/q4_tryubo6

xml package doesn't provide way unmarshal xml map[string]interface{} because there no single way , in cases not possible. map doesn't preserve order of elements (that important in xml) , doesn't allow elements duplicate keys.

mxj package used in example has rules how unmarshal arbitrary xml go map. if requirements not conflict these rules can use mxj package parsing , not use xml package @ all:

// skipping error handling here m, _ := mxj.newmapxml([]byte(s)) mm := m["mystruct"].(map[string]interface{}) mystruct.name = mm["name"].(string) mystruct.meta = mm["meta"].(map[string]interface{}) 

full example: http://play.golang.org/p/acpuas0qmj


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