php - Yii Framework: Pagation Callback Method -

i have clistview on page , every time navigate page 2 or other page want call method formats view. not seem work every time navigate page.

the javascript method want call called updatedivs()

here list view widget

$this->widget('zii.widgets.clistview', array(                                     'dataprovider' => $dataprovider,                                     'itemview' => '_customview',                                     'id' => 'bannerslist',                                     'ajaxupdate' => true,                                     'afterajaxupdate' => ' updatedivs()',                                     'enablepagination' => true,                                     'itemscssclass' => 'row banners-list',                                     'summarytext' => 'total ' . $pages->itemcount . ' results found',                                     'pager' => array(                                         'header' => '',                                         'prevpagelabel' => '<',                                         'nextpagelabel' => '>',                                     ),                                 )); 

please try test, should works well.

'afterajaxupdate' => 'js:function(id,data){alert("test");}'

so if code works perfect should search problem in updatedivs() function


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