mongodb - How to create a website with a searchbar to query a mongo database? -

i have large mongodb database set , trying create website user can use searchbar query database remotely , have results posted on site (strictly read-only).

i have experience databases data analysis, have never created website querying results.

i'm don't have experience web development , don't know platforms (php? node.js?) use.

thanks in advance.

there following steps problem:

  1. create front-end, consist of html, css, , javascript. beginners find easiest work jquery , jquery ui, because well-documented , contain plugins possible scenarios (they should not, however, used create large complex applications!). bootstrap or foundation can html / css.
  2. create (probably) json api, front-end can communicate submit searches , retrieve results. use php, python, ruby, or many other languages this. simple site 1 you're describing, it's more matter of preference else.
  3. translate search request front-end mongodb query apis, , return results through api. use mongodb client library compatible whatever language have chosen.

depending on needs, may able eliminate (2) using existing rest api mongodb.

note if want make mongodb data accessible via searching / charting, may able avoid coding altogether leveraging slamdata, open source project contribute to. slamdata lets use google-style search (or more advanced sql) query mongodb , results in tabular or chart form.


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