- How to delete all objects (rows) in Parse using c# -

basically, want clear table (or class parse names it) , repopulate new values. repopulation not issue, cannot figure out how delete objects in class.
coding in c#.
edit: have tried accomplish

parseobject question = new parseobject("questions");   await question.deleteasync();   await question.saveasync(); 

i have tried grasp query, no avail. (think i) can run query, dont know how perform delete operation on data.

parsequery<parseobject> query = new parsequery<parseobject>();   await query.findasync();   


ienumerable<parseobject> query = await parseobject.getquery(q_parse_table_name).whereequalto(q_parse_column_qset, qsetno).findasync(); foreach (parseobject po in query)  await po.deleteasync(); 

well documentation not can give algorithmic steps can try. first, objects using query. once have got objects, can use destroy method delete data. execute save method. let me know if works.

edit: try await myobject.deleteasync(); on object.


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