radgrid - telerik GridEditCommandColumn + pass row index to another page -

i have web form, mypage.aspx , use radgrid bind data entity data model using linq entities query.

in radgrid have 2 columns data entities model , "edit" column (telerik:grideditcommandcolumn).

when click on edit want pass id specific record in new page, mydetailspage.aspx. in page want edit specific row , save record. want pass id query string mypage.aspx mydetailspage.aspx. need pass id in linq entities query in mydetailspage.aspx in order retrieve data.

in mydetailspage.aspx page have 2 textbox web server controls need bind values columns "systemname" , "title" mypage.aspx.


  <mastertableview  editmode="editforms" allowfilteringbycolumn="false" allowsorting="false" datakeynames="id" autogeneratecolumns="false">             <columns>                   <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="systemname" headertext="systemname" sortexpression="systemname"                     uniquename="systemname">                 </telerik:gridboundcolumn>                   <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="title" headertext="title" sortexpression="title"                     uniquename="title">                 </telerik:gridboundcolumn>                  <telerik:grideditcommandcolumn buttontype="linkbutton" uniquename="editcommandcolumn" >                 </telerik:grideditcommandcolumn >               </columns>             <editformsettings>                 <editcolumn buttontype="imagebutton" />             </editformsettings>         </mastertableview>   </telerik:radgrid> 


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