/bootstrap/ directory doesn't exist. Where do I run `npm install`? (Part of bootstrap tutorial.) -

i following this bootstrap tutorial:

installing grunt

to install grunt, must first download , install node.js (which includes npm). npm stands node packaged modules , way manage development dependencies through node.js.

then, command line:

  1. install grunt-cli globally npm install -g grunt-cli.

  2. navigate root /bootstrap/ directory, run npm install. npm @ package.json file , automatically install necessary local dependencies listed there.

when completed, you'll able run various grunt commands provided command line.

regarding part in bold:

navigate root /bootstrap/ directory, run npm install

i can't navigate /bootstrap/ directory.

$ cd /bootstrap/ -bash: cd: /bootstrap/: no such file or directory 

i installed node.js. tried running npm install (with , without sudo) in bootstrap-3.3.5-dist directory, , got error:

$ npm install npm err! install couldn't read dependencies npm err! darwin 13.4.0 npm err! argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" npm err! node v0.12.7 npm err! npm  v2.11.3 npm err! path /users/myusername/package.json npm err! code enopackagejson npm err! errno -2  npm err! package.json enoent, open '/users/myusername/package.json' npm err! package.json not problem npm itself. npm err! package.json npm can't find package.json file in current directory.  npm err! please include following file support request: npm err!     /users/myusername/development/bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/npm-debug.log myusernames-mbp:bootstrap-3.3.5-dist myusername$  

and here contents of npm-debug.log:

0 info worked if ends ok 1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'install' ] 2 info using npm@2.11.3 3 info using node@v0.12.7 4 verbose config skipping project config: /users/myusername/.npmrc. (matches userconf$ 5 verbose readdependencies loading dependencies /users/myusername/package.json 6 error install couldn't read dependencies 7 verbose stack error: enoent, open '/users/myusername/package.json' 7 verbose stack     @ error (native) 8 verbose cwd /users/myusername/development/bootstrap-3.3.5-dist 9 error darwin 13.4.0 10 error argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" 11 error node v0.12.7 12 error npm  v2.11.3 13 error path /users/myusername/package.json 14 error code enopackagejson 15 error errno -2 16 error package.json enoent, open '/users/myusername/package.json' 16 error package.json not problem npm itself. 16 error package.json npm can't find package.json file in current direct$ 17 verbose exit [ -2, true ] 

where/how supposed run npm install? why doesn't /bootstrap/ directory exist?

i think bootstrap's documentation makes unclear, section of instructions isn't showing how install bootstrap, showing how set installation if want compile custom variables or run test or fancy things that. section of instructions requires have bootstrap installed first. that's why getting error. can either download zip file bootstrap, use cdn, or use "bower install bootstrap" or "npm install bootstrap" bootstrap running. don't need steps in part of documentation posted.


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