log4j2 - Log files not getting cleared of old log entries during daily rollover -

we using log4j2.3 on apache tomcat. upgraded log4j1.2 log4j2.0. working fine except 1 issue. use rollingfile appender rollover log files daily. files rollover right after midnight expected, current log file not cleared of log entries previous day. end log files keep growing in size , contain entries previous days well.

this our rolling file appender configuration:

any ideas?

found following jira appeared describe problem seeing well: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/log4j2-904?jql=project%20%3d%20log4j2%20and%20resolution%20%3d%20unresolved%20order%20by%20priority%20desc

also, adopted solution described in following question slight change overwrite file after rollover , has fixed problem:

log4j2 rollingfile appender - add custom info @ start of each logfile


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