unix - To count quickly until first match and stop in megastring -

i want count number of characters until pattern 030 in megarow (do not read data forward point) such not read whole megarow in in memory. should return 28.

megastring data


my initial idea split @ first instance of 030 did not succeed this. not familiar split command's capability read until end of pattern.

how can count until first match?

if megarow in file named megarow_file following:

#!/bin/bash  input=megarow_file search_string="030"  comp_string=""  while ifs= read -r -n1 char     char_count=`expr $char_count + 1`     comp_string="${comp_string}${char}"      comp_string_length=${#comp_string}      if [ $comp_string_length -eq 3 ];        # echo comparing value $comp_string        if [ $comp_string = $search_string ];            # echo match            break        fi     fi      if [ $comp_string_length -gt 3 ];         # echo bigger 3, strip 1st char         comp_string="${comp_string:1:3}"         # echo comparing value $comp_string         if [ $comp_string = $search_string ];             # echo match             break         fi     fi  done < "$input"  count_up_to_comp_string=`expr $char_count - ${#search_string}` echo "length ${search_string} ${count_up_to_comp_string} characters" 


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