c++ - How to give a member function as a parameter? -

i struggling c++ templates, functions , bind.

let's class a :

class {     void set_enabled_for_item(int item_index, bool enabled);       void set_name_for_item(int item_index, std::string name);       int item_count(); } 

i create method in a :

    template <typename t>     void set_for_all_items(t value, ??? func) {         auto count = trackcount();         (auto = 0; < count; ++i) {             func(i, value);         }     } 

so call member function of in parameter, (or this) :

auto = new a; a->set_for_all_items("foo bar", &a::set_name_for_item); 

the 3 ??? type of second paramter. since i'm pretty new std::function, std::bind , templates, tried knew use got compilation errors.

so how ?

the syntax standard member function ret (class::*) (args...). in case, might (untested):

template <typename t, typename arg> void set_for_all_items(t value, void (a::* func) (int, arg)) {     auto count = trackcount();     (auto = 0; < count; ++i) {         (this->*func)(i, value); //note bizarre calling syntax     } } 

this allow call syntax desire:

auto = new a; a->set_for_all_items("foo bar", &a::set_name_for_item); 

if want use std::function, you'll need wrap member function takes implicit object parameter using lambda or std::bind or similar.


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