Deploying Ruby on Rails 2.3 on Production -

am sorry noobness this,

i developing ruby on rails application on ubuntu 14.04. development, i'm starting application using ruby script/server. ruby -v 1.8.7 rails -v 2.3.14 mysql

now question how deploy on production? planning use ubuntu 14.04 server well.

i read phusion passenger did not understand for.

i hoping make ubuntu server localhost. if point browser myrailsapp, application available (normally use script/server). have use script/server command everytime server restart?

please tell me if im on right track.

------------ follow tutorial --------------

i follow tutorial 1 can't figure out how make virtual host working created virtual host this: /etc/hosts


    server {     listen       80;     server_name;     passenger_enabled on;      location / {         root   /opt/nginx/html/ror/blog/public;     } } 

on browser 403 forbidden , have start rails app script/server?

try following


ps : may links outdated getting started.


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