algorithm - Implementing queue using stack -
this question homework:
implement fifo queue using 2 stacks.
the total running time of enqueue , dequeue functions should o(n) in worst case scenario. also, analyze running time of algorithm.
what did:
void enqueue(t *value) { s1.push(value); } t *dequeue() { if (s2.size > 0) return s2.pop(); else if (s1.size > 0) { (int = 0; < s1.size; i++) s2.push(s1.pop()); return s2.pop(); } else return null; }
analysis of algorithm:
running time of 1 enqueue theta(1). total running time of enqueue functions n * theta(1) = theta(n).
running time of dequeue in worst case scenario theta(n) (when call after last enqueue, i.e. when items inserted). in other cases running time theta(1).
so, total running time is: o(n) + o(n) + n * o(1) = 3 * o(n) = o(n)
is correct?
so, total running time is: o(n) + o(n) + n * o(1) = 3 * o(n) = o(n)
you're in right direction, don't analyze "total running time", split amortized average, worst case, , best case - , analyze each operation.
in algorithm, easy see that:
runs in theta(1) cases.dequeue()
runs intheta(n)
worst case ,theta(1)
best case.
noe, tricky part - need analyzed dequeue()
amortised analysis.
first, note before each theta(n)
(worst case), dequeue()
must have emptied list, , inserted n
this means, in order worst case happen, must have done @ least n
operations, each theta(1)
this gives amortised time of:
t(n) = (n*const1 + const2*n) /(n+1) ^ ^ ^ n enqueues 1 "espansive" dequeue #operations
it easy see t(n)
in theta(1)
, giving theta(1)
amortized time complexity.
enqueue: theta(1) cases
dequeue: theta(1) amortized, theta(n) worst case
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