javascript - Iterate through IEnumerable Model without loop - ASP.NET-MVC5 -

i have typed ienumerable of 2 records passing view controller. have maximum 2 records. need print these 2 record in separate form i.e. html beginform.

my question how can print ienumerable model data without using @for or @foreach loop??? can use kind of index read object in model , data based on index???

get data record

public list<emergencycontact> getemergencycontactbystudentid(int _studentid)     {         try         {             using (var _uow = new studentprofile_unitofwork())             {                 var _record = (from _emergencycontact in _uow.emergencycontact_repository.getall()                                join _student in _uow.student_repository.getall() on _emergencycontact.studentid equals _student.studentid                                _emergencycontact.studentid == _studentid                                 select _emergencycontact).tolist();                  return _record;             }         }         catch { return null; }     } 


 public actionresult editemergencycontact()     {        int _studententityid = 0;          _studententityid = _studentprofileservices.getstudentidbyidentityuserid(user.identity.getuserid());          list<emergencycontact> _emergencycontactmodel = new list<emergencycontact>();          _emergencycontactmodel = _studentprofileservices.getemergencycontactbystudentid(_stu     return partialview("editemergencycontact_partial", _emergencycontactmodel);      } 


@model ienumerable<app.dal.model.emergencycontact> .............//other code   @html.editorfor(modelitem => model.nameofcontact, new { htmlattributes = new { @class = "form-control" } }) 

above line @html.editorfor give error; refer screenshot below

enter image description here

you can access it's index if use list:

@model list<app.dal.model.emergencycontact> .............//other code   @html.editorfor(modelitem => model[0].nameofcontact, new { htmlattributes = new { @class = "form-control" } }) 

but since accessing object it's index recommend checking see if it's null first, know have 2 items in collection, doesn't harm checking.


you can check if null doing following in razer view:

@if(model[0] != null)  {     @html.editorfor(modelitem => model[0].nameofcontact, new { htmlattributes = new { @class = "form-control" } }) } 


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