symfony - Get a message from swiftmailer about registration -

i use fosuserbundle registration. want after registration send email message success. config.yml looks like.

fos_user:   db_driver: orm   firewall_name: main   user_class: games\modelbundle\entity\users   registration:     confirmation:         enabled: true         from_email:             address:             sender_name:   registration   service:     mailer: fos_user.mailer.twig_swift   resetting:     email:         template:  swiftmailer:   transport: "%mailer_transport%"   host:      "%mailer_host%"   username:  "%mailer_user%"   password:  "%mailer_password%"   spool:     { type: memory } 

my question is: how check if message sent?

i'm guessing first want test locally if code works intended. try "profiler" after registering, should hold emails.

or if write functional test it, should idea:


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