How to install tig docs via Homebrew? -

i installed tig via homebrew , tig works okay, there way cleanly install man pages via brew instead of source (i.e. avoiding make install-doc described @

"if installed homebrew standard install directories, i.e. relatives /opt/homebrew, there 2 commands register binaries , man files used:

/usr/bin/sudo -s echo /opt/homebrew/bin >/etc/paths.d/homebrew echo /opt/homebrew/share/man >/etc/manpaths.d/homebrew exit 

if using bash or zsh actual shell, have enter 1 simple command take account these 2 environment modifications:

. /etc/profile 

if want learn more how these 2 directories used under macos x, read:

man path_helper 

" - daniel azuelos


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