I am getting wrong value from sqlite table in swift -

i getting wrong value sqlite table. code

code :

    var arrtribute_mast_list : nsmutablearray = []     var querysql = string(format:"select * %@ order %@", table_attribute_master, attribute_master_attr_id)     var statement:copaquepointer = nil     //querysql =   querysql.string(nsutf8stringencoding, allowlossyconversion: false)      if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, querysql, -1, &statement, nil) == sqlite_ok) {         while(sqlite3_step(statement) == sqlite_row) {             let name  = sqlite3_column_text(statement, 2)             let attributename = string.fromcstring(unsafepointer<cchar>(name))             println("attribute value = \(attributename)")          }         sqlite3_finalize(statement);      } 

i getting output:

   attribute value = optional("shamitabh") 

need output :

   attribute value = "shamitabh" 

you getting optional("shamitabh") because string.fromcstring not guaranteed succeed. may fail, , attributename nil. can resolve either making implicitly unwrapped optional (which crash if string.fromcstring fails):

 let attributename = string.fromcstring(unsafepointer<cchar>(name))! 

.. or can right , check if value nil before using it. example, this:

 if let attributename = string.fromcstring(unsafepointer<cchar>(name)) {       println("attribute value = \(attributename)")  } else {       println("couldn't attribute name")  }  


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