protractor - Accessing Iframe inside Iframe -

i working on angular app, runs inside non-angular page. on angular page, have iframe(iframe2) inside iframe(iframe1). able move iframe1 non angular page, not able access iframe2 iframe1 throws error "angular not found on window"

it('iframes testing',function(){  brower.driver.navigate().to('url') browser.driver.ignoresynchronization = true; browser.driver.findelement('username_str')).sendkeys("username"); browser.driver.findelement('password')).sendkeys("password"); browser.driver.findelement('submit')).click();  browser.driver.ignoresynchronization = false;         browser.driver.switchto().frame(0);         browser.waitforangular();         browser.driver.switchto().frame(0);         element(by.model('formname')).click();    }); 


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