sorting - Ember, run component method once when computed in controller has finished -

i'd call method once when computed in controller has finished.

here controller:

import ember 'ember';  export default ember.arraycontroller.extend({      sortproperties: ['id:desc', 'id:asc', 'value:desc', 'value:asc'],      sortedstats: ember.computed.sort('model', 'sortproperties'),      actions: {         sortby: function(sortproperties) {             this.set('sortproperties', [sortproperties]);         }     }  }); 

a template:

<div><button {{action 'sortby' 'type:asc'}}>asc</button><button {{action 'sortby' 'type:desc'}}>desc</button></div>  <h1>chart</h1>  {{chart-bar width=500 height=200 series=sortedstats}} 

and component:

import ember 'ember';  export default ember.component.extend({     tagname: 'svg'     draw: function() {         // here draw chart     },     init: function() {         this._super();     },     onchange: function(){         console.log('onchange');     }.observes('series.[]') }); 

onchange called many times model has properties sort. in example has been called 6 times , model contains array 5 properties. i'd call onchange when computed.sort in controller done.

any suggestions?


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