adobe - Configuration of plugins -

i try use following plugins in local mode:

s.util.cookieread s.util.cookiewrite 

when type in console i.e. s.util.getqueryparam take function seems configuration in file allright.

s.util.getqueryparam appmeasurement.a.util.getqueryparam(c, b, d) 

how ever when go add example in plugin function

s.campaign = s.util.getqueryparam("cid"); 

when run site can't see of plugin

also when use the

getnewrepeat plugin shows me new visitor. 

is there special configuration should make in order make them work properly?

// set session cookie named foo value 'bar' s.util.cookiewrite('foo','bar');  // cookie named 'foo' , return value if found, , assign prop1 s.prop1 = s.util.cookieread('foo'); 


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