c# - Pagination code issue -

i have written below lines of code acconmplishing pagination in asp.net using repeater control as

  <asp:linkbutton id="linkbutton1" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" onclick="pagenexte_click"     data-rel="tooltip" data-original-title="previous page.">&laquo;</asp:linkbutton> <asp:repeater id="rptpager" onitemdatabound="rptpager_itemdatabound" runat="server">     <itemtemplate>         <asp:linkbutton id="lnkpage" runat="server" text='<%#eval("text") %>' commandargument='<%# eval("value") %>' enabled='<%# eval("enabled") %>' onclick="page_changed"></asp:linkbutton>     </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> <asp:linkbutton id="linkbutton3" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" onclick="pagenext_click"         data-rel="tooltip" data-original-title="next page.">&raquo; </asp:linkbutton>  <asp:linkbutton id="linkbutton2" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" onclick="imgnext_click"     data-rel="tooltip" data-original-title="next page." visible="false">    &raquo; </asp:linkbutton> 

in cs file

    public void updatepagelables(int apagecount) {     if (!page.ispostback)     {         session["pages"] = null;     }     pagecount = (int)math.ceiling((decimal)apagecount / pagesize);     int recordcount = pagecount;     if (pagesizechanged != null)     {         hiddenfield hd = new hiddenfield();          int current;         current = pageindex;         int pre;         int next;         double dblpagecount = (double)((decimal)recordcount / decimal.parse(lstpagesize.selectedvalue));         int pagecount = pagecount;          list<listitem> pages = new list<listitem>();         if (pagecount > 0)         {             // pages.add(new listitem("first", "1", pageindex > 1));             current = pageindex;             pre = --pageindex;             pageindex = current;              // pages.add(new listitem("previous", pre.tostring(), pageindex > 1));              (int = 1; <= apagecount; i++)             {                 if (i <= 5)                 {                     pages.add(new listitem(i.tostring(), i.tostring(), != pageindex));                 }             }               int currentpage = pageindex;             next = ++pageindex;             pageindex = currentpage;             //pages.add(new listitem("next", next.tostring(), pageindex < pagecount));             // pages.add(new listitem("last", pagecount.tostring(), pageindex < pagecount));              hd.value = (pre.tostring());           }         if (session["pages"] != null)         {             rptpager.datasource = session["pages"];             rptpager.databind();         }         else         {             rptpager.datasource = pages;             rptpager.databind();         }          session["lastnumber"] = 5;         session["pagecount"] = apagecount;         session["orignalpages"] = pages;      }  } protected void pagenext_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     list<listitem> pages = new list<listitem>();     int pagecount = convert.toint32(session["pagecount"].tostring());     int lastnumber = convert.toint32(session["lastnumber"].tostring());     if (lastnumber > pagecount)     {         session["lastnumber"] = 1;         lastnumber = 1;         session["pagecount"] = pagecount;         session["orignalpages"] = pages;      }       int limit = lastnumber + 5;     (int = lastnumber; <= pagecount; i++)     {         if (i <= limit)         {             pages.add(new listitem(i.tostring(), i.tostring(), != pageindex));         }         else         {             rptpager.datasource = session["orignalpages"];             rptpager.databind();         }     }       session["lastnumber"] = limit;     session["pagecount"] = pagecount;      session["pages"] = pages;      rptpager.datasource = pages;     rptpager.databind();  }  protected void pagenexte_click(object sender, eventargs e) {      list<listitem> pages = new list<listitem>();     int pagecount = convert.toint32(session["pagecount"].tostring());     int lastnumber = convert.toint32(session["lastnumber"].tostring());     if (lastnumber > pagecount)     {         session["lastnumber"] = pagecount - 5;         lastnumber = pagecount - 5;         session["pagecount"] = pagecount;         session["orignalpages"] = pages;      }     else     {          session["lastnumber"] = 1;         lastnumber = 1;         session["pagecount"] = pagecount;         session["orignalpages"] = pages;     }      int limit = lastnumber + 5;     (int = lastnumber; <= pagecount; i++)     {         if (i <= limit && i>0)          {             pages.add(new listitem(i.tostring(), i.tostring(), != pageindex));         }         else         {             //rptpager.datasource = session["orignalpages"];             //rptpager.databind();         }     }       session["lastnumber"] = limit;     session["pagecount"] = pagecount;      session["pages"] = pages;      rptpager.datasource = pages;     rptpager.databind();  } 

its working fine not display page numbers required. want should display "1 2 3 4 5 " clicking on next button, should display "6 7 8 9 10" again clicking on next button "11 12 13 14 15".... on. below code generating page numbers "1 2 3 4 5" clicking on next button "5 6 7 8 9 10" , 10 11 12 13 14 15 , on... please me !!! me improve code previous button also...

you can use "datatable" javascript functionality problem. please refer https://www.datatables.net/.

in need give table id in below code.

$(document).ready(function(){     $('#mytable').datatable(); }); 


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