Find where a program aborts ( -

i have huge vb6 legacy program converted main forms display on screen, , print comment on last executable line before entering windows message loop.

then program dies (all windows disappear) no indication of went wrong.

i have been unable determine code executing when program aborts, , appreciate ideas.

i running in visual studio 2008 professional (since code converted vb6), using debugger.

i have added method call first line in every timer_tick handler , every form_activated handler. same call in many major functions. there breakpoint set in first line of sub call... , not hit after message loop starts.

i have attempted @ windows messages, not familiar spy++ tool, , totally swamped messages. know can limit particular window, program opens many windows, , new 1 trying open causes failure.

if don't other solutions, can further research using spy++, i'd other suggestions on finding location.


without code, guess match describe happening. when app starts sub main, code has start message pump - not happens automatically:

public sub main()      ...     ' same `enable xp visual styles in app settings     application.enablevisualstyles()      ...     ' last line mainform()) end sub 

if want use visual styles, need enabled before form or control referenced.

the message pump started via if show starting form (and/or others), app terminate when sub main terminates because there no app message pump.


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