java - Using a modified Vigenere cipher algorithm, decryption does not result in original input -

i have made modified vigenere cipher algorithm, i'm running issues. if encrypt string, decrypt result, don't original string back. source code:

public class viganereencryptionbase64 {      private char[] keys = new char[19];      int sizekey = 0;     int cimin = 0;      final string mveas = " !\"#$%&'()=+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]^_'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";      public viganereencryptionbase64() {         string keys = "bangdollamc08itats";         this.keys = keys.tochararray();     }      public string encrypt(string toencrypt) {         char charstoencrypt[] = toencrypt.tochararray();         char encryptedchars[] = toencrypt.tochararray();         int = 0;         while (i < encryptedchars.length) {              int sube = mveas.indexof(charstoencrypt[i]) + mveas.indexof(keys[sizekey]) + cimin;              sizekey++;             if (sizekey == keys.length)                 sizekey = 0;              encryptedchars[i] = mveas.charat(math.floormod(sube, 95));             cimin = mveas.indexof(encryptedchars[i]);             += 1;         }         return string.valueof(encryptedchars);     }      public string decrypt(string todecrypt) {         char charstodecrypt[] = todecrypt.tochararray();         char decryptedchars[] = todecrypt.tochararray();         int = 0;         while (i < charstodecrypt.length) {             int sube = mveas.indexof(charstodecrypt[i]) - mveas.indexof(keys[sizekey]) - cimin;              sizekey++;             if (sizekey == keys.length)                 sizekey = 0;             decryptedchars[i] = mveas.charat(math.floormod(sube, 95));             cimin = mveas.indexof(charstodecrypt[i]);             i++;         }         return string.valueof(decryptedchars);     } } 

a usage case illustrates issue is

public static void main(string[] args) {     viganereencryptionbase64 viganere = new viganereencryptionbase64();     system.out.println("result encryption: " + viganere.encrypt("<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en\" \"\">"));     viganere = new viganereencryptionbase64();     system.out.println("result description: " + viganere.decrypt("~at,4x~<cp|\"(>rdnds~1x_\\xtmn5t{irx-9dzv+opkhjlbt[x7mk/'j&|p&a0qamr_yh9|h#\\y91/kktqi,su3ik, p$@ih.c:ue'lj25x l#[3f8ql3u]of")); } 

where original input "<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en\" \"\">"

and encrypted result "~at,4x~<cp|\"(>rdnds~1x_\\xtmn5t{irx-9dzv+opkhjlbt[x7mk/'j&|p&a0qamr_yh9|h#\\y91/kktqi,su3ik, p$@ih.c:ue'lj25x l#[3f8ql3u]of"

and decrypted result "<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">"

which different.

so encryption , decryption working perfectly, have run code , not seen difference between test inputs , outputs.

i think may confused the backslashes \ being used escape characters if use example doesn't require escape sequences:

public static void main(string[] args) {     viganere = new viganereencryptionbase64();     system.out.println("result encryption: " + viganere.encrypt("hello!"));     // encrypted "+r.b7("      viganere = new viganereencryptionbase64();     system.out.println("result description: " + viganere.decrypt("+r.b7("));     // decrypted "hello!" } 

you can see works perfectly.

in example there \ before each ", java doesn't think you've ended string, you'll notice lets use " half way through string without ending it.

so in reality there still \ in string, looks there isn't 1 because won't printed system.out.println. true of escaped characters; when printed user, translated tabs or new lines e.t.c.


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