css3 - Transition from one animation to another -

so, simple question:

i have element, has animation in normal state - transform-animation (perspective, rotatex , rotatez - rotatez changes) runs constantly. on :hover want change animation (remove rotatex , perspective transform, keep rotatez animation) - that's no problem, want animation transition new animation , have no clue how accomplish that.



@-webkit-keyframes rotatespace {   0% {     transform:perspective(555px) rotatex(55deg) rotatey(0deg) rotatez(0deg) scale(1.25);   }   100% {     transform:perspective(555px) rotatex(55deg) rotatey(0deg) rotatez(360deg) scale(1.25);   } } 


@-webkit-keyframes rotateflat {   0% {     transform:perspective(0) rotatex(0deg) rotatey(0deg) rotatez(0deg) scale(1.25);   }   100% {     transform:perspective(0) rotatex(0deg) rotatey(0deg) rotatez(360deg) scale(1.25);   } } 

instead of applying transform styles 1 element use :before pseudo element animated block , element "3d" effect (the rotatex).


.block {      position: absolute;      top:100px;      left:100px;      width: 100px;      height:100px;      transform-origin: center center 0px;      overflow:visible;      transform:perspective(555px) rotatex(55deg) scale(1.25);      transition:transform .5s;  }  .block:before {      content: "";      position: absolute;      width: 100%;      height: 100%;      background: blue;      animation-name: rotatespace;      animation-duration: 15s;      animation-iteration-count: infinite;      animation-direction: reverse;      animation-timing-function: linear;  }  .block:hover {      transform:perspective(555px) rotatex(0deg) scale(1.25);      }  @keyframes rotatespace {      0% {          transform:rotatez(0deg);      }      100% {          transform:rotatez(360deg);      }  }
<div class="block"></div>


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