javascript - tweeting from node.js "Timestamp out of bounds" -

i've been trying work twitter streaming api node.js , tried make simple test program logs tweets.

console.log("start");    var twitter = require('twitter');    var client = new twitter({    consumer_key: '****',    consumer_secret: '****',    access_token_key: '****',    access_token_secret: '****'  });    console.log("middle");'statuses/filter', {track: "coffee"}, function(stream) {          stream.on('data', function(tweet) {              console.log(tweet);              console.log("this won't show up.");          });  		console.log("this will.");  });    console.log("end");

when run "node twitter.js" logs start,middle,this will,end. why client not streaming in data?


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