.net - sgen serialization assembly not signed -

i have been reading past 2 days how make asmx web service first call quicker.

after tracing , testing realized service doing nothing on initialize after reading couple of answers on matter, xmlserialization assembly make sense do, @ least tick 1 of possible solutions.

the issue service third party service , have dll's service. tried generate xml serialization assembly error:

generated serialization assembly not signed please specify strong name key file via/compiler:/keyfile switch not sure how.

is possible extract xmlserialization assembly or need source code such task?

does trying make sense or mislead or misunderstanding whole thing. appreciated.

we had same issue sgen using hosted build controller. builds worked fine debug mode, not release. after reading related post made sense need turn off sgen serialization under project properties -> build -> output section release solution configuration (or other non-debug solution configuration using).

disable sgen xmlserialization assembly generation

enter image description here

you state need generate serialization assemblies - in our case didn't, i'm not sure how tell cs compiler keyfile use sgen msbuild action.


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