php - Can't get pagination to work in a div -

i have page showing picture of product. underneath have tabs description, contact details , comments. when click on comments tab comments page loaded div="info" using jquery.


<html> <head></head> <body> <img src="image.jpg"> <hr>  <a id="det"><h3>details</h3></a> &nbsp<a id="contact"><h3>contact</h3></a>  &nbsp<a id="comments"><h3>comments</h3></a>  <div id="info"></div> </body> <html> 


<script> $(document).ready(function(){    $("#comments").click(function(){       $("#info").load("comments.php");    }); }); </script> 

the comments.php page below uses pagination comments.

when click on pagination links page refreshes comments.php?page=* removing div="info".how keep comments in div id="info" when use pagination?


<?php // 1)set current page $current_page = ((isset($_get['page']) && $_get['page'] > 0) ?     (int)$_get['page'] : 1);  require 'connect.php'; // 2)get total amount of rows $sql = "select * comments"; $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $totalrows = mysqli_num_rows($result);  // offset - calculation skip data want display  $results_per_page = 10;  $offset = ($current_page-1)*$results_per_page;  ?>   /*------- comments form -----*/  /*------- comments database ---- */   <?php     //here code displaying link , page number.    $number_page = $totalrows/$results_per_page;    ( $page = 1; $page <= $number_page; $page ++ )    {      echo "<a href='comments.php?page={$page}'>{$page}</a>";     }   ?> 

you know... end problem doing js making every link inside #info element update inside it. not sure if need.

$('#info').on('click', 'a', function (e){     e.preventdefault();     $("#info").load($(this).attr('href')); }); 


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