AngularJS: Is it possible to do post-processing of ng-bind-html without $watch? -

i have html content should output ng-bind-html directive, , after manipulations content(for example dom manipulations, jquery plugins, etc).

stackoverflow provides me such solution:

<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl">    <div ng-bind="sometext" my-directive>before</div> </div> 

so create custom directive higher priority , watch inside:

angular.module('myapp').directive('mydirective', function() {      return {         priority: 10,          link: function(scope,element,attrs) {             scope.$watch(attrs.ngbind, function(newvalue) {               console.log("element ",element.text());             });                    }     };        }); 

and demo

but far i'm not going change content don't want use $watch. possible without $watch?

option 1 (avoid $watch requested):

one option skip ng-bind-html , $compile or $parse html yourself. angular's ngbindhtml along lines of:

var ngbindhtmlgetter = $parse(tattrs.ngbindhtml); // ... other, less relevant stuff between these element.html($sce.gettrustedhtml(ngbindhtmlgetter(scope)) || ''); 

angular's relevant source code can viewed here

so write custom directive things, along post-processing (even pre-processing, if required). along lines of:

var ngbindhtmlgetter = $parse(attrs.someattrcontainingcontent); element.html($sce.gettrustedhtml(ngbindhtmlgetter(scope)) || ''); dopostprocessing(element); // additional stuff goes here 

option 2 (keep $watch, unbind):

another option, may simpler you, if want use ng-bind-html , you're worried having watcher around, unbind watcher. can unbind quite ($watch returns "unbind" function):

var unbindpostprocess = scope.$watch(attrs.ngbind, function(newvalue) {     dopostprocessing(element); // whatever additional function may     unbindpostprocess(); // perhaps guarded unbind @ right time. }); 


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