backup - Bacula/Bareos disaster recover from scratch using bextract -

on bacula/bareos, document stress importance of catalog bootstrap file must save on somewhere safe, know catalog consist of mysql db dump , optional included bacula/bareos config file, how recover scratch in case whole backup infrastructure gone?

is install bacula/bareos software, import mysql , config fire director trick?

a bit of old question, i'll provide feed back,

if you've done mysqldump of database (or pgdump depending on backend) have catalog in it's full state. believe can restore database new server, , restore old config files (these not stored in dump rather in /etc/bareos). also, make sure same user/password used database user specified in bareos-dir.conf file, or else not able connect database. depending on how storage devices setup may need mess around baroes-sd.conf file.

to answer other question off op, can use volume without catalog. it's bit cumbersome, possible following:

for example:

list jobs on volume: bls -j -v full_1-1886 filestorage1

list files on volume: bls -v full_1-1886 filestorage1

once have found file, or directory (note wildcard characters supported) can extract file:

bextract -i restorefiles -v full_2-1277 filestorage2 /tmp/


  • restorefiles specifies file separated newlines lists files/directories restore
  • /tmp/ destination of restore


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