c# - asp .net mvc 5 cannot find context class after generating models using Database first -

i learning how work asp .net because need following database first approach http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/getting-started/database-first-development/generating-views & after generated models ado .net way it's shown cannot find context class, there not single 1 added 1 manually, see if might work, still nothing & wondering why using vs 13 free community & ef 6 thank in advance

edit : fixed after re-making steps & appears thank brought me idea
ps : think issue due me having older version of ssdt & had update after bringing in db due failure when building project

at link, on page 'creating web application , data models'.

he says this: 'the contosomodel.context.cs file contains class derives dbcontext class, , provides property each model class corresponds database table. course.cs, enrollment.cs, , student.cs files contain model classes represent databases tables. use both context class , model classes when working scaffolding.'

can't find here?


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