Can not explore database created by an embedded neo4j -

i encounter strange problem.

i created database using embedded neo4j path "/users/bondwong/documents/workspace/pamela/target/data/pamela.db".

here spring configuration:

<bean id="graphdbbuilder" factory-bean="graphdbfactory"     factory-method="newembeddeddatabasebuilder">     <constructor-arg value="target/data/pamela.db" /> </bean> 

then changed line of


after that, used curl test system, showed good. here result of getting node id 9: enter image description here

however, when fired server, , use browser see data, nothing shows up: enter image description here

here location, same 1 in spring xml configuration file: enter image description here

here :sysinfo result: enter image description here

here junit test , result, showing insert data:

package repositorytest;  import static org.junit.assert.*;  import java.util.hashmap;  import org.junit.test; import org.junit.runner.runwith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.test.context.contextconfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.springjunit4classrunner; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.transactional;  import; import; import;  @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @contextconfiguration({ "/applicationcontext.xml" }) public class diaryrepositorytest {     @autowired     dirayrepository repository;      @test     @transactional     public void testsavediary() {         diary diary = (diary) diaryfactory.getinstance().create(                 new hashmap<string, object>());;          diary retriveddiary = repository.findone(diary.getgraphid());         assertequals(diary, retriveddiary);     }  } 

enter image description here

i think should work, knows wrong? , how fix it. thx!

you can write java code server extension

or use wrappingbootstrapper time being. or rather use servercontrols neo4j-harness testing

when creating data, sure committed transaction correctly?

transaction tx = db.begintx(); // create data tx.success();  tx.close(); 

or better

try (transaction tx = db.begintx()) {   // create data   tx.success();  } 


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