java - What is the best approach? Binary Search Tree : Lowest Common Ancestor using only if statements -

i have solved problem if statements. can solved in various other ways. have started programming, not think of using other data structure solving this.

my question :
how choose best approach among various ways? , advantages/disadvantages of best approach compared direct naive approach.

not problem, in general. how arrive @ possible approach problem?

problem statement

you given pointer root of binary search tree , 2 values v1 , v2. need return lowest common ancestor (lca) of v1 , v2 in binary search tree. need complete function.

enter image description here

my code:

static node lca(node root,int v1,int v2)  {      node r = root;     if( r == null){         return null;     }     else if( == v1 || == v2){         return r;     }     else if( > v1 && < v2){         return r;     }     else if( > v2 && < v1){         return r;     }     else if( > v1 && > v2){         lca(r.left, v1, v2);     }     else if( < v1 && < v2){         lca(r.right, v1, v2);     }    return null;  } 

problem link:

well, here's how approach problem. relies on fact you're dealing binary search tree.

for given node, can lca if , if min(v1, v2) in left subtree, , max(v1, v2) in right subtree. if isn't true, current node can't ancestor, because either v1 or v2 cannot descendant. continue traversing down tree until lca condition met.

your solution correct , have intuition down, can strip out recursion , perform iterative bst find, implicitly contains if checks.

in terms of advantages, you're wasting implicit recursion call stack space, of has unwind @ end. both of our implementations run in o(log n), since you'll examine log n - 1 nodes in worst case, v1 , v2 direct siblings @ bottom of full , complete tree.


  1. swap v1 , v2 if v1 < v2 (remove need min , max checks). implicitly contains both of if checks v1 < root < v2 , v2 < root < v1.

  2. while current node's value smaller v1 (v1 in right subtree) or greater v2, move towards v1 or v2. replaces recursive traversal.

here's quick implementation checked:

static node lca(node root, int v1, int v2)    {     if (root == null) return null;     if (v1 > v2) {                   int temp = v2;         v2 = v1;         v1 = temp;     }     while ( < v1 || > v2) {         if ( < v1)      root = root.right;         else if ( > v2) root = root.left;     }            return root; } 


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