angularjs - Angular Unit Testing: How do i call a named function -

i have controller, contains named function.

function controller($scope, ...){    function foo(data){       //logic other stuff      $log(data);  }   //some promise stuff waiting.then(function(data){   foo(data); }); 

for way functions available, didnt want assign foo scope variable, since doing this:

$ = function(data) {} 

was frowned upon? (not sure...but since not calling foo view, dont see why would)

my issue is, how call foo function unit test "it" block?


  it('expect calling function', function(){     foo(data); }); 

this gives me error

call foo function outside controller impossible, because foo closure - inner function defined , available within controller function body. see

i prefer controlleras syntax angular controller. controller ordinary object constructor properties , method defined on this. binding scope arises during evaluation ng-controller directive (or route display).

generally can create controller instance in test, mock dependencies (waiting) , use spies assert function call more easily.


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