c - Console input in 32-bit Protected mode -

i working on os. i've started building since a-day before yesterday. os command-based.

this kernel.c(the main file):

#include "include/screen.h" #include "include/kb.h" #include "include/string.h" #include "data/userdata.c"  kmain() {        clearscreen();        print("halcyon os 1.05 beta ");          while (1)        {                 print("\nhalcyon@halcyon ~\n$  ");                  string ch = readstr();                 if(streql(ch,"cmd")!=0)                 {                         print("\nyou in cmd\n");                 }                 else if(streql(ch,"clear")!=0)                 {                         clearscreen();                 }                 else if(streql(ch,"help")!=0)                 {                         print("halcyon help.");                 }                 else if(streql(ch,"")!=0)                 {                     continue;                 }                  else                 {                         print("\nno command found:");print(ch);                         break;                 }        }// end while loop!  } 

and here kb.h (i've made keyboard support.):

    #ifndef kb_h #define kb_h #include "screen.h" #include "system.h" #include "types.h"  string readstr() {     char buff;     string buffstr;     uint8 = 0;     uint8 reading = 1;     while(reading)     {         if(inportb(0x64) & 0x1)                          {             switch(inportb(0x60))             {        /*case 1:                 printch('(char)27);           escape button                 buffstr[i] = (char)27;                 i++;                 break;*/         case 2:                 printch('1');                 buffstr[i] = '1';                 i++;                 break;         case 3:                 printch('2');                 buffstr[i] = '2';                 i++;                 break;         case 4:                 printch('3');                 buffstr[i] = '3';                 i++;                 break;         case 5:                 printch('4');                 buffstr[i] = '4';                 i++;                 break;         case 6:                 printch('5');                 buffstr[i] = '5';                 i++;                 break;         case 7:                 printch('6');                 buffstr[i] = '6';                 i++;                 break;         case 8:                 printch('7');                 buffstr[i] = '7';                 i++;                 break;         case 9:                 printch('8');                 buffstr[i] = '8';                 i++;                 break;         case 10:                 printch('9');                 buffstr[i] = '9';                 i++;                 break;         case 11:                 printch('0');                 buffstr[i] = '0';                 i++;                 break;         case 12:                 printch('-');                 buffstr[i] = '-';                 i++;                 break;         case 13:                 printch('=');                 buffstr[i] = '=';                 i++;                 break;         case 14:                 printch('\b');                 i--;                 buffstr[i] = 0;                 break;        /* case 15:                 printch('\t');          tab button                 buffstr[i] = '\t';                 i++;                 break;*/         case 16:                 printch('q');                 buffstr[i] = 'q';                 i++;                 break;         case 17:                 printch('w');                 buffstr[i] = 'w';                 i++;                 break;         case 18:                 printch('e');                 buffstr[i] = 'e';                 i++;                 break;         case 19:                 printch('r');                 buffstr[i] = 'r';                 i++;                 break;         case 20:                 printch('t');                 buffstr[i] = 't';                 i++;                 break;         case 21:                 printch('y');                 buffstr[i] = 'y';                 i++;                 break;         case 22:                 printch('u');                 buffstr[i] = 'u';                 i++;                 break;         case 23:                 printch('i');                 buffstr[i] = 'i';                 i++;                 break;         case 24:                 printch('o');                 buffstr[i] = 'o';                 i++;                 break;         case 25:                 printch('p');                 buffstr[i] = 'p';                 i++;                 break;         case 26:                 printch('[');                 buffstr[i] = '[';                 i++;                 break;         case 27:                 printch(']');                 buffstr[i] = ']';                 i++;                 break;         case 28:                // printch('\n');                // buffstr[i] = '\n';                   i++;                reading = 0;                 break;       /*  case 29:                 printch('q');           left control                 buffstr[i] = 'q';                 i++;                 break;*/         case 30:                 printch('a');                 buffstr[i] = 'a';                 i++;                 break;         case 31:                 printch('s');                 buffstr[i] = 's';                 i++;                 break;         case 32:                 printch('d');                 buffstr[i] = 'd';                 i++;                 break;         case 33:                 printch('f');                 buffstr[i] = 'f';                 i++;                 break;         case 34:                 printch('g');                 buffstr[i] = 'g';                 i++;                 break;         case 35:                 printch('h');                 buffstr[i] = 'h';                 i++;                 break;         case 36:                 printch('j');                 buffstr[i] = 'j';                 i++;                 break;         case 37:                 printch('k');                 buffstr[i] = 'k';                 i++;                 break;         case 38:                 printch('l');                 buffstr[i] = 'l';                 i++;                 break;         case 39:                 printch(';');                 buffstr[i] = ';';                 i++;                 break;         case 40:                 printch((char)44);               //   single quote (')                 buffstr[i] = (char)44;                 i++;                 break;         case 41:                 printch((char)44);               // tick (`)                 buffstr[i] = (char)44;                 i++;                 break;      /* case 42:                                 left shift                  printch('q');                 buffstr[i] = 'q';                 i++;                 break;         case 43:                                 \ (< somekeyboards)                    printch((char)92);                 buffstr[i] = 'q';                 i++;                 break;*/         case 44:                 printch('z');                 buffstr[i] = 'z';                 i++;                 break;         case 45:                 printch('x');                 buffstr[i] = 'x';                 i++;                 break;         case 46:                 printch('c');                 buffstr[i] = 'c';                 i++;                 break;         case 47:                 printch('v');                 buffstr[i] = 'v';                 i++;                 break;                         case 48:                 printch('b');                 buffstr[i] = 'b';                 i++;                 break;                        case 49:                 printch('n');                 buffstr[i] = 'n';                 i++;                 break;                         case 50:                 printch('m');                 buffstr[i] = 'm';                 i++;                 break;                        case 51:                 printch(',');                 buffstr[i] = ',';                 i++;                 break;                         case 52:                 printch('.');                 buffstr[i] = '.';                 i++;                 break;                     case 53:                 printch('/');                 buffstr[i] = '/';                 i++;                 break;                     case 54:                 printch('.');                 buffstr[i] = '.';                 i++;                 break;                     case 55:                 printch('/');                 buffstr[i] = '/';                 i++;                 break;                   /*case 56:                 printch(' ');           right shift                 buffstr[i] = ' ';                 i++;                 break;*/                    case 57:                 printch(' ');                 buffstr[i] = ' ';                 i++;                 break;             }         }     }     buffstr[i] = 0;                        return buffstr; } #endif 

and @ last string.h(this has function compare 2 strings.):

#ifndef string_h #define string_h  #include "types.h" uint16 strlength(string ch) {         uint16 = 1;         while(ch[i++]);           return --i; }   uint8 streql(string ch1,string ch2)                      {         uint8 result = 1;         uint8 size = strlength(ch1);         if(size != strlength(ch2)) result =0;         else          {         uint8 = 0;         for(i;i<=size;i++)         {                 if(ch1[i] != ch2[i]) result = 0;         }         }         return result; }   #endif 

but problem if enter correct command 'cmd', says 'no command found: cm' , works! goes correct , says: 'you're in cmd!'

also, recognizing 'cm' not 'cmd'.

and if write in kernel.c: "print("hello");" print: 'hell' not 'hello'! misses last character.

i don't know what's wrong program. use gcc compile it, platform linux ubuntu. work , not. if compile kernel windows command never works.

please help! appreciated.

your string length function wrong:

uint16 strlength(string ch) {         uint16 = 1;         while(ch[i++]);           return --i; } 

assuming string "cmd", start , check if second character, m, null, third, fourth null. i starts off 1 , increases 3, , gets decremented 2.

also fail on 0 length strings.

the consequence is, not printing enough in print function.

unit16 strlength(string ch) {   unit16 l = 0;   while (ch[l]) {     ++l;   }   return l; } 

to find out why comparison fails i'd need know type string is.

if it's char *, undefined behaviour, writing random memory.

if it's char [n] out won't work either, because array decays pointer on return. , pointer points local variable automatic storage, no longer valid after function return.

ok, it's pointer. pointers point memory, store actual data. have working need

  1. memory store data to
  2. set pointer point memory.

normally 1 allocate memory via malloc, in context of operating system development you'd first have implement yourself.

you cold use buffer automatic storage (on stack) in caller:

char buffer[20]; size_t num_read = read_into(buffer, 20); // pass pointer memory data plus maximal characters buffer can hold.  size_t read_into (char * buffer, size_t max) {   // read max characters   // buffer, don't forget count 0 @ end. } 

judging rest of code, seem new c programming. while writing operating system kernel fun task, you'll have more fun doing when understand basics first.

since you're writing random memory locations uninitialised char * don't know store data. "normal", free memory. work expected. write memory mapped device information or own code, making impossible predict might happen.


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