c++ - List functions in *.lib on Windows -

when run lib /list mylib.lib see contained .obj files, no information functions similar this:

path\file1.obj path\file2.obj path\file3.obj 

if open .lib file archieve can see there number of files 1.txt, ..., n.txt in addition object files. txt files seem contain information functions in .obj files on format:

: path\file1.obj    ?function_name@... : 

thus info can retrieved way.

but isn't there better way function info ? example using lib.exe, dumpbin.exe or tool ? in more readable/demangled format ? far had no luck finding that.

there related question here not discuss object files contained in .lib file.

you need use dumpbin. (see dumpbin on msdn more information.)

dumpbin /symbols /exports mylib.lib 

you can use dumpbin followed undname. (see undname.) example:

dumpbin /all /exports mylib.lib > mylib.txt undname mylib.txt 

of course need command prompt visual studio tools in path. install dumpbin , undname at:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\bin\amd64\dumpbin.exe c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\bin\amd64\undname.exe 

a visual studio command prompt available program menu. 1 calling

"%vs120comntools%..\..\vc\vcvarsall" amd64 


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