I want to add my class name with each element in css using php -

i want create css parse type..

parse add class name each element in css.

for example i've following css

.class1 {font-size:10px} .class2 {font-style:italic} body {height:100%} html {width:100%} 

after parser this.

.myclass .class1 {font-size:10px} .myclass .class2 {font-style:italic} .myclass body {height:100%} .myclass html {width:100%} 

i created function doesn't work when @media queries come in css nested elements.

can provide me css parsers/solutions. tried available css parsers. not enough solution.

for this, recommend sabberworm's php-css-parser. i've used myself , it's fantastic tool. can install via composer adding code beneath composer.json

{     "require": {         "sabberworm/php-css-parser": "*"     } } 

after installing it, it's pretty straight forward. can either pass in css-code variable containing css in string, or reading file specific directory. in example, read directory.

$ocssparser = new sabberworm\css\parser(file_get_contents('style.css')); $ocssdocument = $ocssparser->parse(); 

now you're ready go. on parser's github, have example of how prepend id selectors. i'll show how class.

$myclass = ".myclass"; foreach($ocssdocument->getalldeclarationblocks() $oblock) {     foreach($oblock->getselectors() $oselector) {         $oselector->setselector($myclass.' '.$oselector->getselector());     } } 

now you've prepended class. want return final product, don't you? that's done using built-in function render(). this

$oformat = sabberworm\css\outputformat::create()->indentwithspaces(4)->setspacebetweenrules("\n"); print $ocssdocument->render($oformat); 

and of course, if want output file, can using file_put_contents().

hope helps.


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