symfony - FOS User Bundle: access other user profile: "This user does not have access to this section." -

i trying set simple action member details of other members of website; controller @ moment:

public function modalprofileaction($id) {     $usermanager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');     $user = $usermanager->finduserby(array('id' => $id));     if (!is_object($user) || !$user instanceof userinterface) {         throw new accessdeniedexception('this user not have access section.');     }     return $this->render('testuserbundle:profile:modal_short_profile.html.twig', array(         'user' => $user     )); } 

this action triggered js (ajax method get). routing is:

test_user_modal:     pattern: /team-member/{id}     defaults: { _controller: testuserbundle:user:modalprofile }     methods:  [get]     requirements:         id: \d+ 

i geeting follwong error: "this user not have access section." there way around that? using wrong method or there security issue should include? ideas welcome

1)if want current logged in user , must use code user data:


for example if want id , username of current user can use this:

$id=$current_user->getid(); $username=$current_user->getusername(); 

2) if want user information in admin panel , must use repository informations:

public function showaction($id) {     $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();      $entity = $em->getrepository('userbundle:user')->find($id);      if (!$entity)     {         throw $this->createnotfoundexception('unable find user entity.');     }        return $this->render('userbundle:user:show.html.twig', array(                 'entity' => $entity,     )); } 

i hope u!


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