- Property Rows.Count of HtmlTable reduced to 1 -

on page have declared htmltable follows.

   <table>         <tr>             <td>                 <table id="nodestable" runat="server" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" rules=none frame=box>             </td>         </tr>     </table> 

i fill table follows:

for integer = 0 15 step 1           dim tblrow new htmltablerow           tblinnercell = new htmltablecell()           dim htmlcb new htmlcontrols.htmlinputcheckbox "text-align", "center")           tblinnercell.controls.add(htmlcb)           tblrow.cells.add(tblinnercell)           nodestable.rows.add(tblrow) 'debugging here show rowcount increase sa far 15 next 

so see 15 checkboxes , html code shows 15 rows. check 1 of checkboxes 'checked' , press button.

the code behind of button

    each row htmltablerow in nodestable.rows            if(cbool(ctype(row.cells(0).controls(0), htmlinputcheckbox).checked))            ....            end if     next 

but of sudden nodestable.rows.count = 1

why that?


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