Method to send multiple paperclip attachments through actionmailer in rails -

so need mailer send attachments user uploads in form upon creation. used cocoon , paperclip attach multiple files in form.

here object_controller:

class rfqscontroller < applicationcontroller ...    def create     @object=      respond_to |format|       if         object_mailer.object_message(current_user, @object).deliver         format.html { redirect_to @object, notice: 'object created.' }          format.html { render :new }       end     end   end  ... 

this send email multiple attachments

class objectmailer < applicationmailer    default from: ""   def placeholder_message(user, rfq)     @user = user      object.object_attachments.each |attachment|       attachments[attachment.attachment_file_file_name] =     end      mail to:, subject: "test"    end  end 


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