python - qt stylesheet not working -

so writing small program,here code:

import sys pyqt5.qt import qapplication pyqt5 import qtwidgets  class cmywidget(qtwidgets.qwidget):     def __init__(self,p = none):         super(cmywidget,self).__init__(p)  if __name__ == "__main__":     app = qapplication(sys.argv)     #w = qtwidgets.qwidget()   #this ok  #1     w = cmywidget()                              #2     label = qtwidgets.qlabel(w)     label.settext("12345")     btn = qtwidgets.qpushbutton(w)     btn.settext("x")      hlayout = qtwidgets.qhboxlayout(w)     hlayout.addwidget(label)     hlayout.addwidget(btn)     w.setstylesheet("border:none;"\                 "border-bottom:5px solid rgb(255,0,0)")     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

the problem if use #1,then ok,all widgets's bottom border drawed;but if change #2,only child widget draw bottom border,the cmywidget won't draw bottom border,am doing wrong here?

there problems stylesheets when try use in derived classes. solve problem, try use this:

w = cmywidget()     w.setattribute(qtcore.qt.wa_styledbackground)       

in code qtcore.qt.wa_styledbackground means widget should drawn using styled background.


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