sql server - How to run sql query for each row value using set based approach -

i have following code placed inside cursor , have remove cursor due performance issue. trying use set based approach, have replace @originalvalue , @per_month variable sql query per set based approach @ same time need perform below calculation each row (with value of @originalvalue , @per_month)

if replacing @originalvalue , @per_month sql query select originalvalue , per_month tblreport reportdate = getdate()", in case below mention code not yielding result in row manner.

eg. cursor declared below records:

    originalvalue  per_month     ------------------------     100            1     200            3     600            4     500            7 


set @total =  (@total * power(1 + (@value1 / 100.0), @originalvalue) + (@per_month / 100.0) * ( case when @originalvalue = 0 1  else    case       when (@value1 / 100.0)<> 0         (power(1 + (@value1 / 100.0), @originalvalue) - 1) / (@value1 / 100.0) * (1 + (@value1 / 100.0) * @method)       else @originalvalue     end end)) 

is there anyway can perform row based calculation using set based approach?

you can use cte running total of column. assume @value1, @method static int

declare @value1 int = 0, @method int = 1  declare @data table (id int identity(1,1), originalvalue int, per_month int) insert @data values (100, 1), (200, 3), (600, 4), (500, 7)  ;with base (     -- original logic     select          *,          power(1 + (@value1 / 100.0), originalvalue) + (per_month / 100.0)          *          (              case                  when originalvalue = 0 1                  else                      case                          when (@value1 / 100.0)<> 0 (power(1 + (@value1 / 100.0), originalvalue) - 1) / (@value1 / 100.0) * (1 + (@value1 / 100.0) * @method)                          else originalvalue                      end              end         ) callogic     @data ), runningtotal (     select *, callogic total base id = 1     union     select nxt.*, curr.total * nxt.callogic runningtotal curr inner join base nxt on curr.id + 1 = nxt.id ) select * runningtotal 


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