angularjs - App security without helper tools like Sails.js -

sails , express provide built-in, configurable protection against known types of web-application-level attacks.

is mean using angularjs, express, mongodb without sails or similar helpers need handle security scenarios hand? , when not aware of them, app vulnerable attacks?

is mean using angularjs, express, mongodb without sails or similar helpers need handle security scenarios hand?

yes. sails provides solutions, still need use them. configuration necessary because security concerns vary application application. sails gives implementation of avoidance techniques, i.e. major work. need choose of techniques relevant application , how wish use them. normally, simple setting variable true or false.

and when not aware of them, app vulnerable attacks?

definitely. every app/site vulnerable. question rhetorical. awareness primary requirement mitigation/avoidance. remember no amount of security ever enough. doesn't hurt use additional security if free. since there's little work required in setting up. of course, needs complemented programming.

good luck!


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