javascript - Cannot retrieve array data in js -

as name suggests cannot retrieve array data in js. code have var iconattribs = document.queryselectorall(icon);

var file = iconattribs[icns].getattribute("data-file"); $(document).on("dblclick", iconattribs,function() {     new createframe(350,505,file,true,"application test!"); }); 

the problem code shows this:


whne console.log("file:"+file+"!");. should when apply function createframe parameters width,height,content_src , isresizable.`

the var file used fill in of content_src. not work.what should load app specified app src based on data retrieves data-file attribute in 1 of .icon divs. each icon has different value. icon images work not files. icon calculator image should open calculator app becaouse of code: $(".tdata0").append("<div class = 'icon' data-file='anoscalculator/anoscalculator.html' data-iconfile='anoscalculator/calculator.png'></div>"); doesn't ideas?

the second param jquery.on method should css selector (check should have somthing this:

$(document).on("dblclick", 'your css selector here',function() {     new createframe(350,505,file,true,"application test!"); }); 


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