javascript - Magnific popup transparent png as grey -

i facing problem magnific popup - when transparent png opens, transparent parts grey. have searched solution without success. while changing img.mfp img background color white changes shows white color , not me. need have whole background - black opacity 0.01 (if not mistaken)...i did not changed relevant code in css or js related magnific popup. can help? in forward


i have found out, problem "shadow image" behind picture, if anyone, change code .mfp-figure:after in css changed , works charm :)

.mfp-figure:after { content:''; position:absolute; left:0; top:40px; bottom:40px; display:block; right:0; width:auto; height:auto; z-index:-1; box-shadow:0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); background:#444444;  opacity: 0; 


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