spring mvc - How to pass multiple form parameter in "th:action" using themleaf -

i trying pass parameter in th:action

<form class="form-inline" th:object="${search}" method="get" action="search.html" th:action="@{'/hotels/'+${search.location}+'/'+${search.adults}+'/'+${search.datecheckout}+'/'+${search.datecheckin}}"  id="search-hotel-form">      <select class="selectpicker form-control input-lt" th:field="*{location}" id="city">         <option value="delhi">delhi</option>     </select>      <input type='text' th:field="*{datecheckin}" id="datetimepicker1" />      <input type='text' th:field="*{datecheckout}" id="datetimepicker2" />  </form> 

then spring mvc contoller part

@requestmapping(value = "/hotelsparam/{datecheckin}/{datecheckout}/{location}", method = requestmethod.post) public modelandview searchhotel(@pathvariable("datecheckout") date datecheckout, @pathvariable("datecheckin") date datecheckin,@pathvariable("location") string location, bindingresult bindingresult) throws parseexception {....     //remove implemntation make precise } 

but getting error

http status 500 - request processing failed; nested exception java.text.parseexception: unparseable date: "null" 

url part seem



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