webkit - Python WebkitGTK memory leak(clear function) -

i have backbone 1 page application need run hours moving along different routes. have created simple script on python runs browser , on full screen.

import sys gi.repository import gtk, gdk, webkit  class browserwindow(gtk.window):     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(browserwindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)          self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)         self.webview = webkit.webview()          self.webview.connect("load-finished", self._load_finish)         self.webview.connect("navigation-requested", self._navigation_requested)          settings = self.webview.get_settings()         print settings.get_property("enable-page-cache")         settings.set_property("enable-page-cache", false)         self.webview.set_settings(settings)         self.webview.load_uri("http://www.google.com/")         self.add(self.webview)         self.show_all()      def _load_finish(self, view, frame):         print "loading completed"         print view      def _navigation_requested(self, view, frame, request):         print "mavigation change requested"         self.webview.get_back_forward_list().clear()         return false  def main():     gtk.init(sys.argv)      window = browserwindow()     window.show()     window.fullscreen()      gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__":     main() 

the problem here everytime changes routes, increases memory amount. more images increases memory more quickly. , instead of using in memory, tends use more memory not utilize it.

i tried searching clear function, didn't it. tried qtwebkit had clear function, didn't helped either.

the real question is: sure memory use actual problem? modern browsers (and webviews) can have complex caching behaviour: "tends use more memory not utilize it" overly simplified picture of situation.

that said webkitgtk let have control on caching behaviour: take @ set_cache_model() , related functions (these part of webkitwebcontext in webkit2gtk , global functions in webkitgtk).


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